Electric Butterfly Valve Price
There are many factors affecting the price of electric butterfly valve, such as valve diameter, medium pressure, valve body material, valve plate material, valve stem material, valve seat material, valve structure, valve and pipe connection, and electric head control mode and power supply voltage and other factors.With the development of electric v...
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Electrical Damper Valve
Damper is a common equipment in the air supply system, electric damper is composed of electric actuator and damper.The adjustable electric damper can adjust the opening degree of the damper and control the air volume.Two - position electric damper opens and closes. Electric damper is divided into electric round damper and electric square dampe...
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Electric Ball Valve
Electric ball valve is composed of electric actuator and ball valve.It is a kind of pipeline pressure element for industrial automation process control and is usually used for remote opening and closing (connecting and cutting off medium) control of pipeline medium. Electric ball valve according to the ball valve ball type, divided into float...
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Electric Control Valve
ZAZP ZAZN electric straight single, two-seat regulator type industrial process measurement and control system of the terminal control device, composed of straight travel electric actuator and direct order, two-seat regulator, it can change automatically according to the system control signal in the valve closure, the valve core position, ...
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